And now, Lord, behold their threatenings: and grant unto thy servants, that with all boldness they may speak thy word. By stretching forth thine hand to heal: and that signs and wonders may be done by the name of thy holy child Jesus. (Acts for: 29& 30) The holy Child Jesus! Once again, the holiday know worldwide as Christmas will be celebrated. Pageants, reenactments of the physical birth will be had by many. Different expressions of acknowledgments that Jesus is the Christ child. The giving of presents will accompany holiday gatherings and dinners. These two presiding Scriptures from the book of Acts, seem to be the closest way in which the early church celebrated Christmas. You can look and look in the New Testament and you will find that only here was Jesus referred to as a child; after his death and resurrection. The actual group of people that Jesus himself commissioned personally before ascending to heaven, record how they celebrated the holy Child Jesus. First, the word of God was to be spoken with boldness and truth.. Then, Almighty God was requested to stretch forth his hand to heal. All in the name of the holy Child Jesus with signs and wonders following. No natural effort can ever accomplish the spiritual enlightenment you will receive from the holy Child Jesus. No natural present given can give like the name of the holy Child Jesus. His name opens the doors in heaven; giving access to the giver of all things, Father God himself. The early church actually looked into the face of Jesus. They realized the purpose of his birth and the use of his name. We only need to include the same. Have a most blessed holiday!
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